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Academy Vision, Values and Learning Behaviours


At Kensington Junior Academy, we will ensure that our pupils are academically, socially and emotionally able 21st century citizens.


At Kensington Junior Academy, we INSPIRE our pupils to be successful.  Our pupils are taught to BELIEVE in themselves.  We provide all pupils with the opportunities they need to ACHIEVE success, both academically and personally.


We INSPIRE our pupils to be successful.

We achieve this by encouraging creativity and innovation.  Providing our pupils with opportunities to explore and create using different mediums such as art, music, technology, and science inspires them to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  In the 21st century, teamwork and collaboration are essential skills for success. At Kensington, we create opportunities for children to work in teams on projects and activities, encouraging communication and collaboration.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, we ensure that out pupils are exposed to different cultures and perspectives, helping them develop an understanding and appreciation of diversity and inspiring them to be globally aware citizens.


We teach them to BELIEVE in themselves.

Setting achievable but challenging goals helps pupils at Kensington see that they are capable of achieving success. We encourage them to see their ability as something that can be developed and improved with practice.  We praise effort, persistence, and the process of learning rather than just innate talent.

At Kensington, we create a supportive and inclusive environment where pupils feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. This helps them to develop confidence in their ability, encourages them to take on new challenges and makes sure our pupils believe in their own abilities to become successful.


We support them to ACHIEVE success

A positive school culture and a safe and supportive learning environment are essential for achievement and success. At Kensington, we have clear expectations for behaviour, positive relationships between pupils and adults, and a welcoming school atmosphere.


We believe that all children will learn better if they can develop the following 5 behaviours of learning.


The desire to know more and to explore the world around us.

We want every child to want to find out more, to ask questions and to love learning new things.


Being able to work together

All children will have a wide range of opportunities to work together, developing the skills to collaborate effectively.


Having the determination to succeed – whatever it takes

When things are hard, we want our children to keep going, never give up and push


Developing an ordered approach to learning and life

Children will develop the ability to work in a logical way, to help them to do the right thing at the right time.


The power to dream and to create

Our aim is to develop the imaginations of all of our children, by allowing them to use their thoughts to create new ideas, places, people, concepts etc…